
Crystal Logo
Crystal Logo
Join the rapidly growing set of communities on Crystal, an easy to use tool for gathering community feedback. Run engaging polls, and give your community power to influence your project's direction.
Crystal Screenshot
Crystal Screenshot
Crystal Screenshot
Create a DAO
Create a DAO

Use Crystal to super-charge your community

Collaborate with your community

Work hand in hand with your community to achieve your goals. With our platform, you can create polls and surveys that encourage your community to collaborate with you. By tapping into their collective knowledge and experience, you can make more informed decisions and create a stronger organization.

Find your super-fans

Identify and empower your most active members. Give them the tools they need to grow your community organically. Gain valuable insights into your community's needs and wants from the people who care the most.

Create custom incentives

Harness the power of your community by providing tailored rewards that incentivize engagement, shareability, and exponential growth for your organization.

Clarity Logo
Clarity Logo
Clarity combines a powerful DAO tooling protocol with an easy-to-use web interface. Create and manage DAOs, establish governance rules, and execute votes on-chain, all without writing any code.
Clarity Screenshot
Clarity Screenshot
Clarity Screenshot

Build and manage Decentralized Autonomous Organizations

Create a DAO

Launch your DAO in minutes

Our platform makes it incredibly easy to launch an on-chain DAO for your organization. With just a few clicks, you can fill out a simple online form and set up your DAO on the Cardano blockchain. No technical expertise required.

Manage smart contract-powered proposals

Using Cardano Smart Contract technology, proposals on Clarity are executed automatically and transparently. Once a proposal is submitted, it is only executed if approved by a community vote. This means organizations who use Clarity benefit from a more decentralized and democratic governance process.

Grow your DAO community

Gain access to a vibrant ecosystem of other decentralized autonomous organizations. Our platform allows members of different DAOs to connect and collaborate, increasing your exposure and discoverability in the wider decentralized finance community.

Which product is best for my community?

Find out which product is best for your community by taking this short quiz!

Clear Contracts Logo
Clear Contracts Logo
Clear Contracts


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